All you want to know about Keto diet

 Keto diet risks you should know about While the keto diet poses several benefits in maintaining a lifestyle, one must be aware of the risks that come with the adoption of such a pattern. Now, let's acknowledge a couple of them-

Going by the food habit, most individuals experience keto flu within a few weeks where constant observation is significant to keep a track of the surfacing symptoms. Moreover, one needs to stay hydrated, apart from consuming foods rich in sodium, potassium, as well as other electrolytes.

2. High-fat animal foods, such as eggs, meat, and cheese, are staples of the keto diet which get served without carbs. In case, someone eats a lot of these items, he/she might develop a higher risk of having kidney stones.

Meanwhile, those affected with chronic kidney disease (CKD) must avoid keto, as weakened kidneys bear chances of failing to get rid of the acid buildup in the blood.

3. Some of the richest sources of fiber, including high carb fruits, starchy vegetables, whole grains, and beans, aren’t recommended on the diet due to the increased level of carbs.

On the other hand, the keto diet can result in digestive discomfort and constipation, thereby affecting the gut bacteria negatively.

4. As the keto diet puts a bar on various foods, especially nutrient-dense fruits, whole grains, and legumes, one might run short of vitamins and minerals. To be very particular, some studies indicate that the keto diet doesn’t contain calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and phosphorus in sufficient amounts.

5. Again, patients with type 1 diabetes remain at a high risk of countering more episodes of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), marked by confusion, shakiness, fatigue, and sweating. Moreover, the health condition can even lead to coma or death if not treated with due care.

6. The keto diet also impairs bone health to a certain extent.

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